Introduction » Fanny Packs & Belly Bands » Professional Premium Vertical Concealed Carry Arms Etui Case - Fast Release
The new two-compartment model is ambidextrous and has an enlarged volume of both large pockets. The rear (larger) zip-closing pocket with two sliders is intended for keeping the weapon in a holder attached using a strip of Velcro. It is opened by pulling on the tab in the upper left (or right) corner of the pocket. The front (smaller) pocket, closed by zip with slider on upper part of the ridge, has a series of three flat pockets, one under the other, on the front side. The arms etui has a cover flap which has a zip with slider on the top part of the pocket and another flat pocket in the lower half with Velcro closing. There is another concealed pocket on the rear of the etui.
In all the etui has 6 closable pockets.