Select goods

  • If you already know which goods you want to buy we recommend using a search box at the top of the page. Just enter the product name and click a magnifying glass icon.
  • If you do not have any product selected, select first in the left site of the page category in which the product is located. Afterwards, select the product that you are interested.


Insert the item to the cart

  • If you have already selected press the button BUY. Goods is automatically inserted into your cart. Here you can decide whether to complete the order (click to order) or you want to add to cart yet another goods (click continue shopping).


Change the content of the cart

  • If you are not in a cart and want to look at its content and complete your order or make change, use the CART icon in the upper right corner of the page.
  • In your cart is a list of items that you want to buy and there can change the amount in the box with the number of pieces or the product completely delete through icon CROSS ().
  • If there's no need to change and want to continue click the RECALCULATE button and select the method of payment Payment via PayPal / Credit Card.
  • Then press the button ORDER.


Delivery information

  • In this step, you need to fill in your full name, address, phone number and e-mail via we will inform you about the status of your order. Fields marked * are mandatory and necessary to complete the order
  • If you want to deliver goods to a different address than the billing, check the "Billing Information" and fill in the address to which you want to send the goods.
  • If you buy goods for the company, check the "Corporate information" and fill information such as company name, ID, Tax.
  • At the bottom of the page see "Note" field which is intended to provide additional information.
  • If you already have everything filled out click on the "CONTINUE" button.



  • Now you will be redirected to a new page where you need to click on the PayPal icon. Then follow the instructions of PayPal web.


Confirmation of receipt the order

  • As soon as our system records the receipt of the order, we'll send you an automatic e-mail that we have received your order.


Order confirmation

  • After processing your order we will send you e-mail with th confirmation. If the order can not be delivered for any reason, you will receive e-mail about this fact immediately.